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A group of bachelor graduates developped an automated 3 […]
Why auto customers trust in the DryLin linear guide pro […]
On June 27, 2020, Shanghai officially announced the lau […]
Motorists with disabilities benefit from “Darios”, a digital gas ring. This allows you to give throttle with your hands on the steering wheel. “Darios 211” consists of over 200 identical parts that slide over the flattened steel ring. These parts consist of iglidur® I3 and are manufactured in 3D printing.
加速环,是Kempf公司为那些无法使用双腿开车的人设计的手动加速装置,为了适配越来越多下方扁平的方向盘,Kempf开发了新一代的“Darios 211”产品,它由211个相同滑动件组成,为了使这件滑动件既能牢固安装,又能在包覆了皮革的加速环上灵活滑动,其造型复杂独特,考虑成本和性能优势,kempf选择了iglidur®I3材料3D打印方案。