
temperature resistance

Turbolader 涡轮增压塑料连杆

Coupling joints made of polymer – optimised materials for the automotive industry

Lynna Liu (刘银) | June 24, 2020

The coupling joint, also referred to as double joint, describes a strut with connection possibilities on both sides. Here, ball and socket joints, screw threads or sleeves can be inserted, which connect the coupling joint with the corresponding vehicle components. Usually, coupling joints are made of steel or aluminium. But for years, polymer coupling joints […]


Ventilation valve

The advantages of iglidur in the application of air valve products

Yvan Cao | June 1, 2020

There are “invisible” pipelines in high-rise buildings—air conditioning ventilation system and fire safety system, which coordinate the temperature adjustment to ensure a good air environment in the building, or to reduce property losses in fire and ensure personal safety. Valves are a key component of the system. This article will introduce you to the application […]