Online seminar:How to Reduce Vehicle Noise with igus Plain Bearing
Lynna Liu (刘银) | November 30, 2020
This is an online seminar organized by The speakers made a thorough study on noise, noise sources, noise reduction solvement, and related applications such as pedals, steering gear, seats and hinges. The clue of the presentation is very clear and the reference cases are very valuable. Video lasts about 24 minutes. Welcome to click and watch!
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How do iglidur plain bearings reduce noise in automobiles (Buzz, Squeak and Rattle)?
Lynna Liu (刘银) | June 23, 2020
In this fast changing time, some technologies may be popularized soon after they are launched. For example, the heat insulation technology is only available for high-end cars a few years ago, but now it was used by almost all cars. When designing storage spaces, quality demand from design and manufacturing engineers increasingly grow. As a […]