How a new path began at Ethernet
Jen Chen | September 15, 2021
It’s been over 5 years since I talked to other product managers about how Ethernet is evolving in the industry. CAT7 as a cable for the e-chain was a big topic at the time. The idea was to bring SPE technology from the car to the industry. Of course, a lot had to be created for this. Our part was the durable cable. Read more about SPE and Ethernet in today’s article.

Advanced development of Ethernet
The cable must last, which is the highest demand of our customers. And with a service life guarantee. In order to keep this promise, our cables have to meet the ever-changing requirements of the industry, the most diverse movements in the application and the most varied fields of use.
Through intensive tests in our chainflex laboratory, we keep pace with development and can constantly adapt our cables to the changing requirements.

Ethernet cables at igus
Single Pair Ethernet A kind of trend in data communication. This is not a new topic for us at igus. We developed the first highly flexible cable for single pair Ethernet and presented it at SPS 2019.
Our highly flexible Ethernet cables are available in a wide range of electrical quality classes. You can find an appropriate overview here:
In addition, you can take a look at our 2021 news here.

Goals for industry
In developing the cable for SPE, we have been guided by the key objectives of the industry. The following points summarise these:
1. Tough design
2. Durable shield for electromagnetic compatibility
3. Exact fit for connector
Why the SPE Network?
The SPE Industrial Partner Network is an association of companies with equal rights that promote Single Pair Ethernet technology as the basis for the rapid and successful growth of the IIoT (Industrial Ethernet of Things).
It is the first point of contact for future users in all questions concerning the construction of SPE networks and devices. There, users not only receive clear recommendations for the development of future IIoT applications, but also a central information and exchange platform.
We have also been a member of this network since 2019 and have now received the “Pioneer Member” award. Through our long collaboration with HARTING as founders of the network, we entered the Ethernet world at an early stage and are looking forward to further advancing the technology.

HARTING, our partner
At igus, we rely on our partner HARTING for cable harnessing. There were different reasons for this association. In addition to the quality of the products, this also includes delivery reliability and ease of assembly. You can find out more about the special relationship between us and our supplier HARTING here. You can read about our joint insulation displacement technology project here.
Do you need help and information on the topic of Ethernet? We would be happy to help you, please contact us.